Ford Employees In Mexico Collect Bottle Caps To Support Children With Cancer

Jan 31, 2022

Cancer is the primary cause of death by disease in children 5 to 14 years old. Every four hours a child dies from cancer. If detected early, 85% of cases are curable, but unfortunately, 65% are diagnosed in advanced stages of the disease.

So those working in the environmental department of Cuautitlan Stamping and Assembly Plant led Ford employees in the collection of bottle caps in an effort to provide support to the Asociación Mexicana de Ayuda a Niños con Cáncer (AMANC) Foundation. The AMANC Foundation is the first institution in Mexico to provide comprehensive support to children and adolescents with cancer.

Containers in the shape of 33 giant hearts featuring the Ford logo were placed throughout the facility. The containers were located at entrances to the plant and near the cafeteria, where the consumption of liquids at lunchtime yielded a generous donation of bottle caps. Suppliers and visitors stepped up as well.

All told, 200 kilos of bottle caps were collected, the equivalent of 1,000 pesos, for the treatment of children and adolescents with cancer. Not only did Ford employees and visitors reach their goal, they far surpassed it, collecting more than one ton of caps from their bottled products, enough to cover the treatment of a child with cancer.

Through this and other actions undertaken to help those in need, Ford of Mexico reaffirms its commitment to go beyond providing mobility to looking out for the overall health and well-being of society.