A Walk for Health & Love Together with 1400+ Participants

Nov 04, 2023

On October 28, "Walk for Health & Love" Ford Family Walkathon was held at Nanjing Fish Mouth Wetland Park. This is the first reunion of Ford Nanjing staff members and their families since 2019, and this year’s event attracted over 1400 participants from 600 Ford families.

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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, also known as Pink Ribbon Month, all around the globe. Ford China Volunteer Corps has a dedicated "Pink Warrior" group that aims to promote women's health and care for the breast cancer community. Since its founding in 2013, the organization has arranged annual visits to provide people with breast cancer with both financial and emotional support. It has also invited medical professionals to speak at universities and community events about scientifically proven preventive measures and treatment methods. Thus, the theme of this year’s walkathon, "Walk for Health", is meant to encourage more employees, their families and the public to adopt healthy lifestyle habits.

The Ford China Family Day Walkathon has witnessed the growth of many Ford employees, as well as the expansion of Ford families: some employees are now happily raising a family and attending the event with a baby, while infants who once came to the Walkathon in strollers have since grown into vibrant, active young teenagers whose parents have difficulty keeping up with them!

Let’s go!

The 20km adult runners were the first group to set off. Before the start of the Walkathon, everyone was relaxed, grinning and waving at the camera. A few of the runners in the front row appeared to be especially well-prepared, as they were wearing special clothing just for the walk. As soon as the starting pistol went off, everyone was sent into action, like arrows off a bowstring.

Meanwhile, competition within the 4km parent-child group was exceptionally fierce from the beginning. The 20km adult crew felt a bit panicked when they noticed the kids’ team, who started 10 minutes later, had caught up to them.

Interactive Zone for fun!

At the event’s base camp, a Children’s Playground offered various games, allowing children of all ages to play and enjoy themselves.

There was also a Charity Bazaar Area selling Ford products and children's toys, which attracted many participants and visitors to stop and look around. By purchasing items, they were also contributing to support women's health, as all the money raised at the event is being donated to women in need.

This walkathon was jointly organized by Ford Nanjing Volunteer Corp, Ford Nanjing Labor Union, and Amity Foundation. Ford employees and family members walked on, persevering for over three hours for the sake of their health and in commitment to supporting public welfare.

A special thank you to all the volunteers for their love and passion; they were the brightest sights all along the route and added so much love and spirit to a fun-filled day.