Global Caring Month Volunteer Spotlight: Furnishing Hope for Families in Need

Oct 01, 2024

We’re continuing to celebrate the many ways our incredible employees gave back during Ford Philanthropy’s Global Caring Month. Today, we're highlighting and chatting with Kelsey Ruder, Sponsorship and Activation Marketing manager at Ford. She planned four days of volunteering with Humble Design, a U.S. based nonprofit that designs and furnishes home interiors for individuals, families and veterans emerging from homelessness.

What inspired you to volunteer with Humble Designs during Global Caring Month?

I was inspired to nominate Humble Design for Global Caring Month after learning about their mission to change lives and communities by custom designing and fully furnishing home interiors for individuals, families and veterans emerging from homelessness. 

What impact do you hope this project will have on the community?

My hope for the project is twofold. First, I hope to make a lasting impact on the individuals and families we served through our Days of Joy with Humble Design. By providing them with a comfortable, fully furnished home, we can help them build stability and break the cycle of homelessness. Statistics show that 50% of families in general return to homelessness within a year of securing housing, but less than 1% of families helped by Humble Design return. These numbers are powerful, and I know our efforts will have a lasting impact on these families. 

Secondly, I hope that my colleagues, after being introduced to Humble Design and the incredible work they do throughout their five locations in the U.S., will choose to volunteer for another Day of Joy or spread the word about the items they accept for donation at their Warehouses.

What does giving/volunteering mean to you?

For me, giving and volunteering are about contributing to something larger than ourselves. It’s the act of using our time, skills, or resources to make a meaningful impact on others’ lives and on causes we care about. Ultimately, it's about compassion, empathy, and the collective power of coming together to create positive change.

What would you say to other Ford employees thinking about volunteering?

I would highly encourage my colleagues to sign up for the new Deed platform and find a cause that speaks to their interests and passions. You'll find that contributing your time and skills, whether individually or as part of a team, is incredibly rewarding. It's a chance to make a meaningful difference and align with Ford's values of building a better world.