On the Road to Better: Saving Monarchs

Oct 16, 2024

Have you noticed that we don’t see as many monarch butterflies as we used to. 

Monarchs are disappearing. Their numbers have crashed 90% since 1992, mainly because milkweed plants – the only source of food for monarch caterpillars – are also disappearing.  

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Essex Engine Plant employees collecting pods from milkweed plants.  

To help, employees at Ford’s Essex Engine Plant in Windsor, Canada, along with local residents and student volunteers, worked together to harvest seeds from milkweed pods that were collected from a section of Ford property that has been transformed to mimic the natural landscape. These, along with seeds from local butterfly advocate Leo “The Milkweed Man” Silvestri, will be distributed throughout the area by the Monarch Butterfly Enthusiasts of Windsor and are expected to produce hundreds of thousands of new milkweed plants.  

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After the pods were collected, employees harvested the seeds.  

The Essex Engine Plant is also exploring becoming certified as an official Monarch Waystation, a place that provides the necessary resources for monarchs to produce successive generations and sustain migration. 

Ford’s purpose has always been bigger than building vehicles. We are driven by a desire to build a better world: To improve the lives of our people, the communities we call home, and the planet we all share.    

Building a strong, sustainable business takes commitment, effort, and persistence. By advancing groundbreaking technology, supporting our people, our partners and our customers and protecting our planet, we are ensuring a brighter future for everyone who relies on Ford.   

It’s going to take work. But that’s what we do best. This is the road we’re on at Ford. The Road to Better.  

Check out the @FordOnline story here. Read more in the Road to Better Fact Book.